If you’ve never driven a tractor before there can be a bit of a learning curve. While most models may have similar steering to a car, many of the other controls are unique to your tractor’s specific make and model. To help you learn to drive your tractor safely we’ve put together this helpful guide! However, if you still have questions, or are interested in buying a tractor, feel free to stop by either of our dealerships in Richmond or Sandusky, Michigan and speak to one of our helpful staff. 

Read Your Owner’s Manual 

We mentioned previously that tractor controls can vary quite a bit depending on your make and model. This guide covers the very basics of learning to drive a tractor, so we won’t be covering any special features your machine may have. Instead, we advise you to read as much of your user manual as you can. It should contain important information about your equipment’s controls, individual parts, and various utilizations. 

Dress Correctly

In order to drive your tractor safely you need to dress appropriately. This means no flowing skirts or baggy clothes that could get caught in moving parts. We also advise tucking in your shirt and wearing pants and shoes that provide adequate protection. It’s not uncommon for debris to fly into the air when using your tractor, so it would be wise to avoid wearing sandals or shorts. If you have long hair you’ll want to tie it up or even tuck it into a hat. While hats are not necessary for your safety if your tractor doesn’t have a cab they can be great protection from the sun. 

Inspect Your Tractor 

Before you climb up into the seat, you’ll want to make sure that your tractor is ready to go. Confirm that the tires are adequately filled and have no punctures or leaking air. If you have treads rather than tires you’ll want to examine them to make sure nothing has slipped or broken along the track. Confirm that safety equipment such as seatbelts, lights, and mirrors are all adjusted and functioning.

Driving Your Tractor

Now that everything is prepped and ready to go you can start your tractor! Begin by pressing the clutch to the floor and starting the machine with your key. As it turns over you’ll want to continue pressing on the clutch, as well as the brake. After about 8 seconds your tractor should start and you’ll want to let it idle for a minute or two. Now that your tractor is started you can release the parking brake and brake pedal to place the machine in first gear. You won’t begin moving till your foot begins to lift off the clutch. Be sure to lift your foot slowly and drive carefully. Make wide turns and steer clear of bumpy or sloping terrain to avoid roll overs. Once you’re ready to stop, slowly apply pressure to both the clutch and brake pedal at the same time. 

Now that you’ve got the basics down we’re sure you’ll be driving like a pro in no time! As you go along we also encourage you to also look up instructional videos or even speak to someone with tractor experience. We here at Ball equipment have a number of experienced staff who will be able to answer any of your tractor questions. If you’re located nearby in the city of Detroit, Michigan we hope you’ll stop by for all of your tractor needs.